3 Programs Approved for Older Americans Act Title III-D Funding

Three evidence-based programs were recently approved by the Evidence-Based Program Review Process based at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Thurston Arthritis Research Center. The purpose of the process is to identify new community programs that meet the criteria established by the Administration for Community Living for evidence-based programs funded through the Older Americans Act Title III-D, and other discretionary funding.

Learn more about the newly approved programs and view the full list of  Approved Evidence-Based Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Programs.

Read more:

  • Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder (MOM) is a researched and proven program designed to give women aged 50+ the tools they need to take control of bladder and bowel leakage. The 3 workshop sessions cover strategies for preventing or lessening symptoms including information-sharing, group activities, simple exercises, and dietary changes. MOM is delivered by one trained female facilitator and is available via in-person sessions or online.
  • PrepareforYourCare.org (PREPARE) is an online resource that helps people begin the important process of preparing for medical decision making. Using video stories and easy-to-read language, PREPARE helps people explore their personal values and preference and learn how to discuss them with family, friends, and medical providers. PREPARE also offers easy-to-read advance directives in English and Spanish for all 50 U.S. states, a movie version that can be used for in-person or virtual group visits, and guides for facilitators.
  • REACH-TX is an evidence-based skills-training and support program for dementia caregivers based on the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health II (REACH II) intervention, optimized for delivery within community settings. REACH-TX provides risk assessment, education, skills training, support, and more to address common issues related to dementia caregiving to reduce stress and improve well-being. REACH-TX is delivered by a trained Dementia Care Specialist over 2-6 in-person contacts over a 6-month period using A Caregiver’s Notebook, an easy-to-use, customizable resource to facilitate intervention delivery. REACH-TX has been demonstrated to maintain similar therapeutic benefits to REACH II in a large community implementation.

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